Welcome to the CSEF Resource Index
There are a growing number of publications, organizations, and initiatives dedicated to advancing and
sharing knowledge related to social entrepreneurship. Many of them have extensive resource lists of
their own. Rather than replicate these efforts or attempt to capture them all, we have identified
several major topics of interest and highlight some of the most relevant resources for each.
We will attempt to add new categories and update existing ones on a regular basis. Before delving into
the specifics, we list several other initiatives that develop and disseminate practical social sector
knowledge that you may want to access directly.
The Bridgespan Group: A Bain-affiliated nonprofit
consulting firm, The Bridgespan Group serves nonprofit organizations and foundations. In an effort to
extend impact beyond their direct clients, Bridgespan is dedicated to sharing what they learn with the
broader nonprofit community, to help other organizations pursue their own missions more
Center for Effective Philanthropy: The Center for Effective Philanthropy is a nonprofit research
center focused on creating comparative data and insight to enable higher performing foundations. Its mission
is to provide management and governance tools to define, assess, and improve overall foundation performance.
Changemakers is an initiative of Ashoka: Innovators for the
Public that focuses on the rapidly growing world of social entrepreneurship. Its mission is to
provide inspiration, resources, and opportunities for those interested in social change throughout the
McKinsey Quarterly: A publication of global consulting firm McKinsey & Co., the McKinsey
Quarterly is a print and online publication that draws on the experiences and expertise of the firm to
produce articles that aim to offer new ways of thinking about management in the private, public, and
nonprofit sectors. Access to some articles require membership.
Stanford Social
Innovation Review: Published by the Center for Social Innovation at Stanford Business School, the
Stanford Social Innovation Review’s mission is to share substantive insights and practical experiences
that will help those who do the important work of improving society do it even better. Subscription
Social Entrepreneurship – General
• “The Meaning of Social
Entrepreneurship,” by J. Gregory Dees, 1998.
• “Enterprising
Nonprofits,” by J. Gregory Dees, Harvard Business Review, January 1998.
• Dees, Emerson and Economy edited two books designed to help nonprofit leaders develop more entrepreneurial
approaches to achieving their missions by adapting many of the concepts and tools of business:
Enterprising Nonprofits: A
Toolkit for Social Entrepreneurs, edited by J. Gregory Dees, Jed Emerson, and Peter Economy, Wiley
Strategic Tools for Social
Entrepreneurs: Enhancing the Performance of Your Enterprising Nonprofit, Edited by Dees, Emerson,
and Economy, Wiley 2002.
• How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and The Power
of New Ideas, by David Bornstein, Oxford 2004.
• "Social
Entrepreneurship and Social Transformation: An Exploratory Study," by Sarah H. Alvord, L. David
Brown, & Christine W. Letts, The Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations and The Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University, Working Paper #15, November 2002
Organizations and Initiatives:
• Ashoka: Innovators for the Public: Ashoka’s
mission is to develop the profession of social entrepreneurship around the world. Ashoka has invested in
more than 1,400 Ashoka Fellows in 48 countries.
• Blended Value Map: Value is what gets created when investors
invest and organizations act to pursue their mission. Traditionally, we have thought of value as being
either economic (and created by for-profit companies) or social (and created by nonprofit or
non-governmental organizations). Jed Emerson’s Blended Value Proposition states that all
organizations, whether for-profit or not, create value that consists of economic, social and environmental
value components—and that investors (whether market-rate, charitable or some mix of the two) simultaneously
generate all three forms of value through providing capital to organizations. Thus, the outcome of all this
activity is value creation and that value is itself non-divisible and, therefore, a blend of these three
• Draper-Richards Foundation: Provides funding and business
mentoring to social entrepreneurs as they begin their nonprofit organizations.
• Echoing Green: Echoing Green provides first-stage funding and
support to visionary leaders with bold ideas for social change. Through a two-year fellowship program,
Echoing Green helps passionate social entrepreneurs develop new solutions to some of society’s most
difficult problems.
• Fast Company/Monitor Group Social Capitalist Awards:
Recognizes entrepreneurial organizations that are using the disciplines of the corporate world to tackle
daunting social problems.
• The Manhattan Institute:
The Manhattan Institute Award for Social Entrepreneurship honors non-profit leaders who have found
innovative, private solutions for America’s most pressing social problems.
• Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship: Supports social
entrepreneurs around the world.
• The Skoll Foundation: Provides support for social entrepreneurs, researchers, and efforts to build the
capacity and infrastructure of the social sector. Also maintains the online community SocialEdge and a comprehensive list of social sector and technology
resources related to social entrepreneurship.
• Youth Venture: Encourages teens to start and lead their own
organizations for the betterment of their communities
Earned Income Strategies
• “Putting Nonprofit
Business Ventures in Perspective,” by J. Gregory Dees, Chapter One in Generating and
Sustaining Nonprofit Earned Income: A Guide to Successful Enterprise Strategies, Edited by Oster, Massarsky,
and Beinhacker, Wiley 2004.
• “Developing Viable Earned Income Strategies,” by Beth Battle Anderson, J. Gregory Dees, and
Jed Emerson, Chapter Nine in Strategic
Tools for Social Entrepreneurs: Enhancing the Performance of Your Enterprising Nonprofit, Edited by
Dees, Emerson, and Economy, Wiley 2002.
• “Charities Doing
Commercial Ventures: Societal and Organizational Implications,” by Brenda Zimmerman and
Raymond Dart, Ontario: Trillium Foundation, 1998.
• New Social Entrepreneurs: The Success, Challenge, and Lessons of
Non-Profit Enterprise Creation, by Jed Emerson and Fay Twersky, Roberts Enterprise Development Fund,
• Managing the Double Bottom Line: A Business Planning
Reference Guide for Social Enterprises, by Sutia Kim Alter, Pact Publications, Washington DC,
• Social Entrepreneurship: The Art of Mission-Based Venture Development, by Peter C. Brinkerhoff, Wiley
• Social Enterprise Typology, by Kim Alter, 2005.
• Venture Forth! The Essential Guide to Starting a
Moneymaking Business in Your Nonprofit Organization, by Rolfe Larson, Wilder Publishing Center,
Organizations and Initiatives:
• Social Enterprise Alliance: A membership organization for
nonprofits and funders seeking to advance earned income strategies. Offers extensive resources, activities,
and events, including the npEnterprise Forum, a very active public listserv, and the largest annual
gathering of practitioners, grantmakers, and technical assistance providers dedicated to this topic.
• Community Wealth Ventures: A consulting firm that helps
nonprofits generate revenues through business ventures and corporate partnerships.
• NESsT: An international nonprofit, NGO that supports the development
of social enterprises in emerging democracies worldwide.
• Yale-Goldman Sachs Partnership on Nonprofit Ventures: provides
educational and financial support for nonprofit enterprise, primarily through its National Business Plan
Competition for Nonprofit Organizations and Online Resource Center.
• The Institute for Social Entrepreneurs: Offers seminars, workshops
and consulting services for nonprofits seeking to develop earned income business ventures.
For-Profit Social Ventures
• “For-Profit Social Ventures,” by J. Gregory Dees and Beth Battle Anderson, International Journal for Entrepreneurship
Education, 2004. Read
Private Equity Landscape in 2002/2003, produced by the Research Initiative in Social
Entrepreneurship (RISE), Columbia Business School, 2003.
• “The Hard Numbers on Social
Investments,” by Manda Salls, HBS Working Knowledge, November 10, 2003.
Organizations and Initiatives:
• Community Development Venture Capital Association (CDVCA)
• Investor’s Circle
• Pacific Community Ventures
• Social Venture Network
Venture/High-Engagement Philanthropy
• “Virtuous
Capital: What Foundations Can Learn from Venture Capitalists,” by Christine W. Letts, William
Ryan, and Allen Grossman, Harvard Business Review, March-April 1997.
• “If Pigs Had Wings: The Appeals
and Limits of Venture Philanthropy” by Bruce Sievers, Address to the Waldemar A. Nielsen
Issues in Philanthropy Seminar, Georgetown University, November 16, 2001.
• Venture Philanthropy Partners and Community Wealth Ventures have produced a series of reports surveying
the field of venture philanthropy and high-engagement grantmaking. These reports include articles from
thought leaders as well as The following reports are available for download at www.vppartners.org:
Venture Philanthropy 2000:
Landscape and Expectations
Venture Philanthropy 2001:
The Changing Landscape
Venture Philanthropy 2002:
Advancing Nonprofit Performance Through High-Engagement Grantmaking
High-Engagement Philanthropy: A Bridge to a More
Effective Social Sector
• Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF) has written extensively on the topic of venture philanthropy.
In particular, the REDF Box Set - Social Purpose Enterprises
and Venture Philanthropy in the New Millennium (1999) offers perspectives from both practitioners
and investors as well as profiles of practitioners.
• A Case Study in Venture
Building: NewSchools Venture Fund’s Work
With New Leaders for New Schools, New Schools Venture Fund, September 2004
Organizations and Initiatives:
The 2002 Venture
Philanthropy Partners/Community Wealth Ventures report contains a fairly comprehensive list of
venture philanthropy organizations and initiatives.
Performance Measurement/Impact Assessment
• Measuring Innovation:
Evaluation in the Field of Social Entrepreneurship, Mark R. Kramer, Foundation Strategy Group, April
• Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF) produced the Social
Return on Investment (SROI) Collection in 2000. This set of publications captures REDF's efforts to
calculate the SROI within its portfolio of social purpose enterprises. In 2002, REDF published An Information OASIS, which walks through the process
of developing a comprehensive, customized client information and tracking system known as OASIS (Ongoing
Assessment of Social ImpactS).
• “Guidelines for Social Return on Investment,” by Alison Lingane and Sara Olsen, California
Management Review, Spring 2004, vol. 46, no. 3. Download excerpts from the full
• “Measuring
what matters in nonprofits,” by John Sawhill and David Williamson, The McKinsey Quarterly,
2001 Number 2.
• "Strategic Performance Measurement and Management in Nonprofit Organizations," by Robert Kaplan, Nonprofit
Management & Leadership, Spring 2001.
• “Performance Information That Really Performs,” by Fay Twersky and Jill Blair, Chapter Eight
in Strategic Tools for Social Entrepreneurs: Enhancing the Performance of Your Enterprising Nonprofit,
Edited by Dees, Emerson, and Economy, Wiley 2002.
• “Social Impact Assessment: A
Discussion Among Grantmakers,” The Rockefeller and Goldman Sachs Foundations hosted a
conversation among grantmakers and investors on the topic of Social Impact Assessment in March 2003. The
report includes case studies from New Profit, Inc., the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, the Roberts
Enterprise Development Fund, and Coastal Enterprises, Inc.
• Double Bottom Line Project
Report: Assessing Social Impact in Double Bottom Line Ventures. The Rockefeller Foundation’s
Double Bottom Line Project produced the first catalog of methods that for-profit and nonprofit social
ventures and enterprises are using to assess the social impact of their activities. March 2004.
Organizations and Initiatives:
• The Balanced Scorecard Institute
• The Research Initiative on Social Enterprise (RISE)
Business Planning/Business Plan Competitions:
• “An Introduction to Business
Planning for Nonprofits,” by Zoe Brookes, The Bridgespan Group, April 2002. Includes two
sample business plans available for download.
• “Business Planning for Social
Enterprises” by Sutia Kim Alter, The Grantsmanship Center.
• Global Social Venture Competition: An international business plan
competition for start-up for-profit and nonprofit social ventures with at least one MBA student on the team.
• Yale-Goldman Sachs Partnership on Nonprofit Ventures: A
national business plan competition for nonprofits seeking to develop/grow earned income ventures. The
website contains sample business plans from past winners as well as an extensive database of resources,
including “A Brief Tutorial on Business
Planning for Nonprofit Enterprise,” by Partnership Co-Director Cynthia Massarsky.
Some websites that offer information on
business planning/entrepreneurship not targeting social entrepreneurs but that might be useful
include entreworld.org, Inc.com, Bplans.com, and Bulletproof Business Plans.
Cross-Sector Partnerships
• The Collaboration Challenge: How Nonprofits and Businesses Succeed Through Strategic Alliances, by James
E. Austin, Wiley 2000.
• Common Interest, Common Good: Creating Value Through Business and Social Sector Partnerships, by Shirley
Sagawa and Eli Segal, Harvard Business School Press, 2000
• Corporate Partnerships: A Guide for the Nonprofit
Manager, by Dennis Young, National Center on Nonprofit Enterprise.
• “Profits for Nonprofits: Find a Corporate Partner,” by Alan R. Andreasen, Harvard Business
Review, November-December 1996.
• “Collaborative Advantage: The Art of Successful Alliances,” by Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard
Business Review, July-August 1994.
Organizations and Initiatives:
• The Independent Sector: Mission &
Market – The Resource Center for Effective Corporate-Nonprofit Partnerships
• The Leader to Leader Institute: Collaboration
• The Synergos Institute Global
Philanthropy & Foundation Building – Building Bridges Across Sectors Initiative
• “Scaling Social Impact,” by J. Gregory Dees, Beth Battle Anderson, and Jane Wei-Skillern, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Spring 2004. Earlier working
paper version available from CASE.
• “Going to Scale,” by Jeff Bradach, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Spring 2003.
• “Nonprofits:
ensuring that bigger is better,” by Maisie O’Flanagan and Lynn Taliento, The McKinsey
Quarterly, 2004 Number 2.
• “The Question of Scale: Finding an Appropriate Strategy for Building on Your Success,” by
Melissa A. Taylor, J. Gregory Dees, and Jed Emerson, Chapter 10 in Strategic Tools for Social Entrepreneurs:
Enhancing the Performance of Your Enterprising Nonprofit, edited by Dees, Emerson, and Economy, Wiley
• “A Point of Light in Mumbai,”
by Rukmini Banerji, Madhav Chavan, Paresh Vaish, and Atul Varadhachary, The McKinsey Quarterly, 2001 Number
• “Managing Multisite Nonprofits,” by Allen Grossman and V. Kasturi Rangan, Nonprofit Management
and Leadership; vol. 11, no. 3; Spring 2001.
• Social Franchising: A Worthwhile Alternative for Development Co-operation, German Foundation for World
• Replicating Social Programs: Approaches, Strategies, and
Conceptual Issues, Nico van Oudenhoven & Rekha Wazir, International Child Development
• Lessons from the
Street: Capacity Building and Replication, The Milton S. Eisenhower Foundation.
Organizations and Initiatives:
• Growth Philanthropy Network
• New Profit Inc.
• New Schools Venture Fund
• The School for Social Entrepreneurs: Ready,
Steady, Grow
SocialEdge.org Topics
- Corporate Engagement
Hosted by Sue Mecklenburg and Willy Foote - Developing Funding Proposals
Hosted by Firoze Manji - Draper Richards Foundation
Hosted by Jenny Shilling Stein - Fondazione Dynamo
Hosted by Maria Serena Porcari - Global Greengrants Fund
Hosted by Chet Tchozewski - Guide to Funding Research
Hosted by Jean Johnson - How to Solicit Major Gifts
Hosted by Kathy Bella - Lemelson Foundation
Hosted by Julia Novy-Hildesley, Abigail Sarmac and Douglas Steinberg - Securing Corporate Sponsors
Hosted by Kyle Zimmer - Skoll Foundation
Hosted by Ruth Norris - How to get Online Donations
Hosted by Toby Beresford - How to Write a Business Plan for a Micro
Enterprise Program
Hosted by Carlos Gasca -
Raising Significant Capital through a
Network of Volunteers
Hosted by John Wood
Marketing and Communication
- Assessing Your Communications Strategy:
Lessons from Communications Toolkit
Hosted by R. Christine Hershey - Creating Effective Newsletters
Hosted by Al Czarnecki - Designing the Right Special Event for
your Organization
Hosted by: Dominique Callimanopulos - Getting Press Coverage
Hosted by Terry Nagel - Marketing a Social Mission
Hosted by Matthew Utterback - Marketing for Community-Based Social
Hosted by Paul Lamb - Ten Steps to Stronger Nonprofit
Hosted by Jill Rasmussen
- Benefiting from Social Entrepreneurship
and Social Businesses in India
Hosted by K.L.Srivastava - International Grassroots
Hosted by Conrad Asper - International Partnerships: A Democratic
Hosted by Yael Falicov and Balu Iyer
Business Models
- Stop or Go: Is Social Enterprise Right
for My Organization?
Hosted by Nicole Etchart - Creating a Hybrid For-Profit / Non-Profit
Social Enterprise Structure
Hosted by Jeff Hamaoui - How to Build a Social Enterprise
Hosted by Kirsten Gagnaire - Social Fusion: Going Corporate
Hosted by Amber Nystrom, Janine Firpo, Jeff Hamaoui and Steve Leventhal - Social Fusion: Hybrid Capital and
Hosted by Stacey Lawson, Stephen DeBerry, Paul Frankel, Priya Haji and Darian Heyman - Nonprofit vs. For-Profit
Hosted by Echoing Green Fellow Gary Kosman - Business Social Ventures -
Critical Path for Global Impact?
Sponsored by Ashoka
Success Metrics
- Evaluation for Social Change
Hosted by Veena Pankaj and Heather Peeler - Measuring Social Impact
Hosted by Deb Levy and Kathy Brennan
Special Events
- Bridging the Cultural Gap
Hosted by Eleanor Clement Glass, Janice Fry, Andrew Goldfarb, Greg Hodge, Barbara Kibbe, Jan Masaoka, Mario Morino and Gillian Nash - Domestic Violence
& Community Development
Sponsored by Changemakers, hosted by Aimee Thompson - Rethinking
Hosted by Caroline Hartnell, Anand Shukla, Barbara Kibbe, David Bonbright, Jan Masaoka, Kumi Daidoo, David Kalete, Peter Shiras, Simon Zadek, Woodrow W. Clark III, Marilyn Wyatt, Peter Reynard - Water
Sponsored by Changemakers - What Does It
Take to Be a Social Entrepreneur?
Hosted by David Bornstein, Charles Cameron, J.B. Schramm, J. Gregory Dees, Cheryl Dorsey, Bill Drayton, Maring Fisher, Jim Fruchterman, Sushmita Ghosh, Pamela Hartigan, Roshaneh Zafar, Christina Kirabo Jordan, Kevin Long, Wellington Nogueira, Sally Osberg, Simon Parisca with special guest Muhammad Yunus - Why Social Edge?
Hosted by Jeff Skoll, Sally Osberg and Keely Stevenson
Other Resources
- Blending It: In the Business of
Hosted by Priya Haji - Bulletins from Davos: A Social
Entrepreneur's Diary
Hosted by Jim Fruchterman - Corporate Social Responsibility and
Social Entrepreneurs
Hosted by Kiran Menon - Getting Global Philanthropy
Hosted by Caroline Hartnell and Adele Simmons - Getting your board 'on board': What
should they be really doing up there?
Hosted by Sujata S. Mukhi - Globalization
and the Poor
Sponsored by WRI - Improving Product Design and
Hosted by Bharat Kakkad - Meet NetAid's Global Action Award
Hosted by Clotilde A. Dedecker, Alex Hill, Chi Nguyen, Maura Welch - Migrating from Innovation to
Hosted by Jerr Boschee - Microfinance: Who Uses It and
Hosted by Monique Cohen - Moving Beyond "Digital" Divides
Hosted by Rinalia Abdul Rahim - Oxford's Exploration of Venture
Hosted by David Carrington, Sarah Chiles, Lee Davis, Jed Emerson, Rob John, Alex Nicholls, Serena Porcari and Bruce Sievers - Ready, Set, Engage?
Hosted by Kristen Burns - Social Fusion: Investors and
Entrepreneurs Discuss Breakthroughs in Social Capital
Hosted by: Amber Nystrom, Rick Aubry, Roger Frank, Tim Freundlich and Jonathon Lewis - Social Sector Policy
Hosted by Aron Goldman, Mike Burns, Jed Emerson, Marion Fremont-Smith, Stephen Heintz, Stanley Katz, Sara Melendez, Mark Moore and Katrin Verclas - Supporting Young Social Entrepreneurs
Hosted by Sunit Shrestha & Sailendra Dev Appanah - Telling Stories of Social
Hosted by Cheryl Dahle - The Business of Doing Good
Hosted by Roy King III - The Business of Fair Trade
Hosted by Martha Jimenez - The Music Of The New Heroes
Hosted by Christopher Hedge - Welcome Executive Director, Social
Hosted by Victor d'Allant - Why I Give
Hosted by Mike Hanlon
Content thanks to sources like Ashoka.org